Juste quelque chose à espérer chaque semaine . Cet espace électronique est l’espace le moins sérieux que vous ayez jamais rencontré. Nous avons organisé une playlist pour les mélomanes. Notre « Loved Girl Playlist 💓✨ » la plus remarquable a gagné plus de 20 000 vues sur Tik Tok. Blogs de soins personnels et de bien-être et bien plus encore ! Explorez maintenant !
The Vibes on Instagram are Treacherous and Here's 3 Reasons Why
'How to delete instagram account' is my top search often and the thought sits comfortably at the brim of my mind. Every time I open instagram, a little voice inside of me is asking "how do i delete an instagram account" more specifically, how do I delete my instagram account? Living without instagram seems like a utopia in comparison to remaining connected to people that we should have disconnected from long ago. With an increase in META and data farming, I wonder if social media is still a place for us to share and connect with others freely. Instagram must be amongst the list of worst social media apps out there, which is unfortunate because when it was first developed, Instagram served as a method to remain connected to friends and family, similar to Facebook. Now, social media feels less social and more like the only way to stay connected to people within our immediate sphere. We rarely talk about the negative impacts of instagram and the dangers of instagram for adults. Here are a three inferences as to why we believe the vibes on Instagram are treacherous and living without instagram feels ideal. Let the stragglers go: people you should have disconnected from ages ago still have access to you Many of us have followers from high school, elementary school, preschool, old coworkers, old flings, and failed talking stages. There are people that we should have left behind, but somehow we are bringing them along for a journey that they should have lost access to long ago. There are also those that live by the philosophy of "letting my haters see me win", but that mentality might be counterproductive and holding you back. With Instagram, we are consumed by follower counters and likes. Instagram runs on engagement and when your followers are intentionally not engaging with your content, this can hinder your comfortability with sharing aspects about yourself that are authentic. There are people who will not miss a story, but will scroll past your posts. The negative impacts of instagram unfortunately can impact your self-esteem, forcing people to compare, suppress, and create false identities to appease others and the algorithm. Go where you are loved and appreciated! Get rid of the stragglers and post that sandwich that you loved. Remember when people would post food with those deep-fried filters on Instagram? That's the instagram I miss! Did I consent to this: There are countless uses for Instagram, but you opt into an unofficial dating app, Linkedin, Facebook, WebMD, and class reunion all combined every time you open the Instagram app: Picture this, you just did your makeup perfectly, I mean face BEAT down, you even pass the flash test. You know you look goodt and you feel compelled to share your beauty with the world. You post with the intention to share without expectations, but somehow that action invited unsolicited DMs, heart-eyes, and often times vulgar remarks. There are those that want and long for the attention, but then there are others who want to post freely without objectification. Many of us utilize Instagram as a method to document our lives, somewhat like a virtual time capsule. However, there are other users who have different ideas. Instagram for them is a dating app. Then there are the pseudo instagram doctors and professionals that knowingly provide misinformation. The vibes are clashing and there is minimal space for imperfection. Once upon a time we only interacted with our followers, now we rarely see the content from our followers! The social culture of Instagram is not rooted in community, but pay-per-view at the palm of your hand There are those that utilize Instagram as a job and means to pay their bills and then there are those who just want to vibe! In the words of Joseline Hernandez, "can I live? I mean WTF!" The shift from consumer, to commodification of the human and human experience was a gradual one, but we are navigating the ramifications of the change and negative impacts of instagram currently. When we wanted to escape reality we would watch a movie or TV show, now we tune into the lives on complete strangers. The parasocial interactions have convinced us that we are close to people that we have never seen before. We seen this briefly with celebrity culture, but the everyday person can become an "influencer" overnight through virality. When the Tik Tok Ban began, never once did we consider moving to Instagram full-time. Moments before the official Tik Tok ban, we posted a photo thread titled: Life after deletion: how to continue to grow and heal outside of Tik Tok. Within the post we provided our Tik Tok community with tips to navigate life post the ban. For many of us, social media was our way to cope with the pandemic and build community amidst such an isolating global event. Social media served as that vessel, but it's important to return to our roots. Roots related to connecting with people authentically, being creative, and sharing freely, and unfortunately Instagram is no longer a safe space for that. Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
The Vibes on Instagram are Treacherous and Here's 3 Reasons Why
'How to delete instagram account' is my top search often and the thought sits comfortably at the brim of my mind. Every time I open instagram, a little voice inside...
Naviguer et combattre la bataille de l'IA pour votre bien-être mental
Alors que l’intelligence artificielle (IA) commence à dominer et à se généraliser, il est important de considérer quelques éléments. Il y a des avantages et des inconvénients en référence à l’utilisation et à la normalisation de l’IA dans plusieurs secteurs et dans notre vie quotidienne. Les Jetsons ont dépeint l’IA et la vie futuriste comme une vie de simplicité et d’avancement. Au sein des Jetsons , les humains ont utilisé la technologie pour rendre leur vie plus facile, mais il y avait toujours un sentiment de connexion et de communauté. Les Pierrafeu emploient une représentation plus préhistorique de la vie, mais le sentiment d'unité demeure. Alors que les deux dessins animés fictifs montrent l’évolution de la vie et une réalité imaginée, nous vivons désormais à l’ère de la technologie. Les Jetson pensaient que nous aurions des voitures volantes, mais notre réalité se dirige plutôt vers une réalité présentant des parallèles avec le film à succès I, Robot (2004). Une réalité qui imite le film I, Robot est effrayante, mais il y a de l'espoir. La montée de l’IA s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la propagation de la désinformation. Il y a une lutte constante pour déterminer si le contenu que nous voyons est factuel ou truffé de croyances fictives et d’un agenda. Livres sur l'intelligence artificielle, actualités sur l'intelligence artificielle, films sur l'intelligence artificielle, serons-nous à l'abri des contenus générés par l'IA ? Le titre "Tyler Perry suspend l'expansion de son studio de 800 millions de dollars après avoir vu Sora d'OpenAI : des emplois vont être perdus" a attiré notre attention car le travail de Tyler Perry est à l'abri de la duplication par l'IA. La seule façon de vaincre l’IA est la connexion humaine et l’humour sec. Les pièces de Tyler Perry ont peut-être survécu au règne de l'IA, mais Madea y va... pour la 500e fois, cela pourrait en prendre un coup en raison de l'intrigue stéréotypée. Contrairement à ses œuvres plus récentes, ses pièces sont spontanées, originales et authentiques. Alors qu'un film Madea généré par l'IA me fait froid dans le dos, il y a une leçon sur la façon dont nous pouvons lutter contre la surdistribution et la dépendance à l'IA pour notre bien-être mental. Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence artificielle par John McCarthy dans "Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence artificielle" , définit l'IA comme " C'est la science et l'ingénierie permettant de fabriquer des machines intelligentes, en particulier des programmes informatiques intelligents. Cela est lié à la tâche similaire consistant à utiliser des ordinateurs pour comprendre l’intelligence humaine, mais l’IA ne doit pas nécessairement se limiter à des méthodes biologiquement observables. » L’IA n’est pas que mauvaise et voici quelques-uns des avantages de l’intelligence artificielle. Accessibilité, service client, génération d'informations, simplification de l'information, L’IA contribue en outre à l’idée de perfection et de perfectionnisme. Le manque de créativité fonde les informations sur des informations antérieures (passées), l'emploi (l'IA volera nos emplois), la possibilité de biais potentiels basés sur la programmation Humour chronique en ligne Bouche à oreille "Ne laissez jamais la main gauche savoir ce que fait la main droite" Réalité contre fiction Je robot Avantages mentaux de la danse Approche centrée sur la personne Chaleur Thérapie Cercles de potins Mots clés: Demandez à l'intelligence artificielle Définition de l'intelligence artificielle Livre sur l'intelligence artificielle Actualités sur l'intelligence artificielle Film sur l'intelligence artificielle Avantages de l'intelligence artificielle Avantages de l'intelligence artificielle Article sur l'intelligence artificielle Avantages et inconvénients de l'intelligence artificielle Exemples d'intelligence artificielle Chatbot IA pour la santé mentale Diagnostic de santé mentale par l'IA Thérapie de santé mentale par l'IA Thérapeute en Intelligence Artificielle
Naviguer et combattre la bataille de l'IA pour votre bien-être mental
Alors que l’intelligence artificielle (IA) commence à dominer et à se généraliser, il est important de considérer quelques éléments. Il y a des avantages et des inconvénients en référence à...
10 Things Every Free Woman Should Know From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day'
"I sat down at the kitchen table, picked up a pen, and wrote in the margins: to nurture free, independent, women who can take care of themselves, choose their lovers wisely, and raise their children right." (Cleage, 1992, p. 157) Have you ever wanted someone to tell you how to live your life as an adult? Have you longed for someone (anyone) to provide you with the cheat code to happiness? We're all attempting to figure out this thing called life, but what helps is having the resources and advice from those before us. Our reparenting and inner child healing workbook provides eleven tips to heal and reparent your inner child, and while reading 'What looks like crazy on an ordinary day (#1 Idlewoood)' for our book club we stumbled upon more Black women self care gold. The ten tips provided are comprehensive and necessary. While our workbook highlights Black healing, mother wound healing, understanding the mother wound, primarily the mother wound in daughters, here are ten tenets every free woman should know according to Ava Johnson. 'TEN THINGS EVERY FREE WOMAN SHOULD KNOW' From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day' 1. How to grow food and flowers 2.How to prepare food nutritiously 3.Self-Defense 4.Basic first aid/ sex education and midwifery "I leaned over to check the list again, then took it and wrote these five additional off the top of my head as subsets of the basic sex education component. Don't f*ck men you don't like. Bring your own birth control. Practice safe sex every time. If it's hurting you, it shouldn't be exciting him. Don't fake—demonstrate." (Cleage, 1992, p. 160) 5.Child care (prenatal/ early childhood development) 6.Basic literacy/ basic math / basic computer skills 7.Defensive driving/ map reading/basic auto and home repairs 8. Household budget/ money management 9.Spiritual Practice 10.Physical Fitness/health/hygiene (Cleage, 1992, p. 158) Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
10 Things Every Free Woman Should Know From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day'
"I sat down at the kitchen table, picked up a pen, and wrote in the margins: to nurture free, independent, women who can take care of themselves, choose their lovers...
Qu'aimerais tu faire? Nous avons des listes de lecture Apple Music et des jeux Spotify pour les mélomanes.
Notre liste de lecture Loved Girl 💓🫶🏾✨ · regorge de chansons d'amour qui vous feront vous évanouir, et notre playlist Self Care and Peace 📍🤲🏾🕊 vous laissera libre !
Nous faisons de notre mieux pour refléter les mêmes chansons de chaque liste de lecture sur Apple Music et Spotify.
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