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Sincerely sanguine crea productos y contenido basado en el bienestar para personas en movimiento que están interesadas en sanarse y conectarse consigo mismas en un nivel más personal.


    El autocuidado es crucial porque promueve el bienestar general, reduce el estrés y mejora la resiliencia, lo que permite a las personas llevar una vida más sana y plena. Creemos que el autocuidado es para todos , ¡incluso para las personas más ocupadas!


    ¡Estamos aquí para apoyar su viaje hacia la salud mental! Creemos firmemente en desafiar los conceptos erróneos de la sociedad sobre la salud mental y crear un entorno donde se fomenten y valoren las conversaciones abiertas sobre la salud mental.


    Sabemos que, si bien el autocuidado físico no es una solución que lo solucione todo, brindamos una base poderosa para nutrir su bienestar general y empoderarlo para enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con fuerza y ​​​​vitalidad renovadas.

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  • how to build healthy relationships, healthy relationship characteristics, healthy relationship definition,

    Why do healthy relationships feel “boring”?

    Within our article Dating the "medium-ugly" guy might be better for your mental health  we address the possibility of dating the "medium-ugly" guy with hopes of finding a healthy partner, outside of physical appearance. Dating the "square" or "poindexter" can feel boring or unfulfilling, especially if this relationship follows a more toxic one. According to Psychology Today, here are three reasons why healthy relationships feel boring and bore some people.  Relationships that feel like rollercoasters have become the norm for you  You are accustomed to overextending yourself and ignore your needs Due to conditioning, you believe that healthy and consistent relationships are boring  Safe and secure relationships can feel boring at times and it's important to consider are these feelings related to past experiences. Lean into the feelings of safety and security. Share your needs and insecurities often. You deserve a a love that feels safe!   3 Reasons Why Healthy Relationships Bore Some People | Psychology Today. (n.d.). Www.psychologytoday.com. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mindful-dating/202212/3-reasons-you-feel-bored-by-a-healthy-relationship

    Why do healthy relationships feel “boring”?

    Within our article Dating the "medium-ugly" guy might be better for your mental health  we address the possibility of dating the "medium-ugly" guy with hopes of finding a healthy partner, outside of physical...

  • 3 Easy Steps To Start and Run A Book Club With Friends

    3 Easy Steps To Start and Run A Book Club With Friends

    Finding time to read can be a hassle and navigating adult friendships can be difficult, especially amidst such demanding schedules. How do you find time to spend time with friends, when time feels limited? A book club is a great start!  If you're considering starting a book club with your friends or curious about how to find book clubs, here are three easy steps to get started. Don't worry the tips are introvert and busy schedule friendly.  How to start a book club with friends? Step one: find friends who are willing to commit to the book club and who will be involved The Reese Witherspoon Book Club is most notable for bringing people together through their love for literature and reading. Find inspo. for book club ideas/activities on virtual platforms such as Pinterest, Goodreads, and Tik Tok. There’s something special about starting a book club, and building community through one's love for literature. Finding willing and able participants is a great start for those interested in learning how to start a book club at school or how to start a book club online.    Step two: as a group select the book that you would like to read  When engaging in a book club online and starting a book club with friends, deciding which book to select can be a challenge. Our favorite online book club platform is Goodreads. Here's your personal book club invite to our book club 'Pot Liquor For The Soul.' We typically add books to a list and peek at other user's reviews for inspiration in order to determine if a book selection is the right fit. We happened to stumble upon our most recent book selection, ‘The House of Eve’ simply by searching “books for black girls” on Tik Tok. Keep an open mind when selecting attempting to select a book.  Step three: Start a group chat! As you transition through the book use emojis and texts to document your reactions by chapter and to signify which chapters you've completed to the members of your book club.  This approach adds new meaning to online book clubs. Often times, having to recap full chapters and find the words for your reactions can be tiring and take away from the experience. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Let the emojis do the talking.  Within ‘Not Another Think Piece’ episode two, we discuss how we managed to engage in our first summer book club, and offered a book review of the novel 'The House of Eve.' "38" signifies the chapter and the emojis are the person's reaction to the chapter. We found that utilizing text message reactions, gifs, and short responses worked best for our busy work and school schedules. This is by far the simplest book club guide and instruction to get started.  Many people are now homebodies, simply because free third spaces are becoming obsolete, and most activities are expensive, involve drinking, or lack creativity. A book club via text is a great method to build and maintain community.  Also, once we finished the book we hosted a book club picnic! We came together in person and debriefed about the novel overall.  How to run a book club discussion? When attempting to engage in a book club discussion with your friends, KISS. Keep it simple silly. Less is more when engaging in a book club discussion, because most times the conversation will go in many directions. As you read note themes, reactions, and thoughts. What questions are coming up for you as you are reading the chapter? What are you thoughts on particular characters? As you begin to discuss the book, ask your friends open-ended questions. This will allow the conversation to expand. Also, make predictions, but no spoilers!  Lavar Burton would be proud! Reading is amazing and it's important to find ways to build community. It's especially important to find affordable activities to engage friends and maintain healthy friendships. What friends are you willing to ask to join your book club? Which book would you want to read first and why?   Happy reading!    

    3 Easy Steps To Start and Run A Book Club With Friends

    Finding time to read can be a hassle and navigating adult friendships can be difficult, especially amidst such demanding schedules. How do you find time to spend time with friends, when...

  • Feminine Side - Trauma Symptoms - Types of Trauma - Trauma Definition - feminine - masculine - feminine energy - divine feminine - how to be more feminine

    Are Traumatized Women “Less Feminine”?

    What does it mean to be “traumatized” or have experienced trauma?  According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR), trauma is defined as exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. This can include: Direct experience: Experiencing the traumatic event directly Witnessing: Witnessing the event in person as it happened to others Indirect exposure: Learning that a close friend or family member experienced the event Repeated exposure: Being repeatedly exposed to details of the event An individual that is traumatized may experience distress and significant impairment. Everyone reacts differently to trauma, however many women have found that they are often incapable of identifying with “soft life” and “demure” culture because they display more culturally masculine traits, as a result of their life experiences. While masculine characteristics and feminine characteristics are subjective, those that have expressed an inability to tap into their softer and gentler side fault their trauma and upbringing. Those that have experienced parentification within their development, express that allowing others to lead and asking for help are difficult tasks to overcome. Parentification or parent-child role reversal, is defined as a child or adolescent placed in inappropriate and often burdensome roles to support or maintain the family system. For children and adolescents that have been placed in the parent and caretaker role, they often struggle emotionally and socially within adulthood. Many often experience forms of burnout early because of the responsibilities and expectations of their childhood.  Stress is also often a contributing factor in one’s feeling of presenting “less feminine.” Stress is not only a silent killer, but can throw your nervous system completely out of whack. Those that experience high levels of stress are often in a constant state of activation and urgency. Chronic stress, which is pervasive, in comparison to Acute Stress has the potential to increase health concerns, meath health symptoms, and has a detrimental impact on one’s overall functionality and quality of life.  How might Chronic Stress present itself and impact you?  Body aches and pains  Energy decrease  Loss or significant changes to appetite  Sleep changes  Nervousness or feelings of anxiousness  Changes in social behavior Headaches and Migraines and much more Stress management is not only paramount, but a survival essential. Many have often shared that they feel “ugly” or undesirable due to an inability to engage in self-care and self maintenance. “I’m stressed and I’m ugly!” As the saying goes, when you look good, you feel good. Make intentional attempts at incorporating moments of self-care and stress management into your everyday schedule. Pay yourself first! You pay a job with your time every time you clock in. You pay an institution every time you show up! What’s holding you back from paying yourself?  Femininity can be a feeling and a mindset. Your feminine presentation may differ drastically from someone else's, which is okay! So, you're not the coquette, pink bow wearing type, does that make you less of a woman if you don't and more if you do? Life is a learning curve, and it's important to identify what works best for you.  In my own journey towards understanding my own femininity and feminine presentation, I utilized these tips to lean less on what society deems as more masculine traits in an attempt to define womanhood and what femininity looks like to me.  Even the bible says "guard your heart", but it's important to identify the distinction between avoidance and protection. Both present similar, but one is often rooted in fear, requires a hardening of one's self, and appears more on the defensive side.  Are you often hyper-independent? Do you display traits of reservation, distance, and those of an enigma? Are you hyper-critical of yourself or others? Do you struggle with trusting others and asking for help?  If you related to any of the questions above, I think it's time to reconnect with yourself. Explore where these traits stem from and identify if they are helpful or harmful?  Ways that we tap into our feminine side and feminine energy:  Movement  Finding a good fragrance that makes us feel feminine  Engaging in identity reformation and exploring harmful and helpful beliefs and ideals surrounding femininity and womanhood that we hold  Finding empowerment and inspiration from our Sheroes (combination of she and heroes.) That embody our definition of femininity and feminine energy Avoid comparing ourselves to others and making attempts at not falling victim to the latest trends providing new and unattainable standards of femininity   Self expression  Empowering and complimenting other woman  Smiling, when we want to, rather than when we are told to  Complimenting and praising unique aspects of ourselves Allowing others to help us and not shaming ourselves after  Wearing clothes that allow us to feel feminine  and countless other activities and practices that make us feel beautiful, seen, and safe Many of us are in survival mode and are unaware. You are not more or less feminine for not wearing bows or the faintest hue of pink. Femininity is strong, assertive, powerful, but also gentle, meticulous, and free-flowing. Yes, you may have experienced significant trauma and events that altered how you present within and navigate the world. However, one's trauma history does not make an individual less or more feminine. Somehow we have weaponized femininity, when it's truly an individual experience. In closing, here are a few prompts to help you understand and tap into your feminine energy.  Feminine energy journal prompts:  How do you define your feminine energy? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do others react to it? When do you feel the most feminine?    The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site.   If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.

    Are Traumatized Women “Less Feminine”?

    What does it mean to be “traumatized” or have experienced trauma?  According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR), trauma is defined as exposure to actual or...

  • Inside out 2, Inside out Emotions, Inside out movie Review, Inside out Message

    Ver reseña: Inside Out 2 detalla las ventajas de tener ansiedad

    Inside Out 2 presenta nuevas emociones, ¡pero la película fue una verdadera dormida! Nada se compara con Inside Out 1, debido a su enfoque honesto y único en temas tan complejos y al uso de la emoción (sin juego de palabras). Sin embargo, después de ver Inside Out 2, el mensaje es importante y una vez que luchas por la trama, el La moral te golpeará donde más duele. Soy consciente de que la película estaba destinada a niños, pero me pareció un poco infantil en comparación con la primera película. Mucha gente todavía se está recuperando de la escena con Bing Bong. Los chistes y los elementos cómicos se quedaron cortos y me sentí desconectado de la trama general. Una vez más, ya pasé la edad de la adolescencia, pero conectarme y disfrutar de películas infantiles no es raro para mí. No obstante, me mantuve firme y diría que los últimos 15 a 25 minutos de la película cambiaron mi calificación de dos estrellas a tres. Sin spoilers, ¡pero aquí hay cinco conclusiones que debes tener cerca y queridas de Inside Out 2! La ansiedad no es 100% mala, pero cuando se la deja a su suerte puede volverse peligrosa y estar fuera de control. ¡El personaje de Inside out 2 Anxiety era un tornado! Como espectadores, identificamos que la intención de Anxiety era ayudar a Riley y se puede argumentar que Anxiety quería lo mejor para Riley. Sin embargo, para ofrecer otra perspectiva, también se puede argumentar que la ansiedad tenía en mente su propio interés. ¿La ansiedad estaba empujando a Riley a la perfección para ella o para apaciguar sus propias necesidades? Desafortunadamente, Anxiety utilizó creencias falsas y miedo a lo desconocido para llevar a Riley al límite. Al igual que el miedo, la ansiedad actuó dentro del cuerpo de Riley para amplificar la preocupación, el nerviosismo y la inquietud. La ansiedad prosperaba en pensamientos sobre el pasado, miedo al futuro y a lo desconocido, hiperfijaciones e hipótesis. A medida que avanza la película, vemos que la ansiedad evoluciona hasta un punto de incontrolabilidad, lo que obliga a Riley a abandonar sus creencias fundamentales, abandonar a sus amigos y perder el control total de sus emociones. Al final, Anxiety permanece dentro de Riley, pero con la ayuda de Joy y las otras emociones, Anxiety tiene las herramientas necesarias para gestionar sus sentimientos y creencias. Trabajar verdaderamente con Riley, en lugar de contra ella. La perfección es la ladrona de la alegría. Riley era una jugadora estrella de hockey y disfrutaba del deporte. Le encantaba jugar con sus amigos, sin embargo, una vez que aumentaron las apuestas y su ansiedad comenzó a alcanzar su punto máximo, abandonó su amor por el juego y lo reemplazó con un amor por la aprobación y la aceptación. Con perfección, vemos que no podemos culpar completamente a la Ansiedad. En cambio, identificamos que Joy también contribuye al colapso prematuro de Riley. ¡Lo que me lleva a la siguiente conclusión clave! La alegría y la felicidad son importantes, pero cuando se usan como forma de manipulación, ambas pueden volverse tóxicas. Joy estaba manipulando sin darse cuenta las creencias y recuerdos fundamentales de Riley para resaltar sus cualidades más positivas y manipular su relato. Para proteger a Riley, Joy creía que la represión y la evitación eran necesarias para mantener la autoimagen y el sentido de sí mismo de Riley. La Alegría eliminó momentos de vergüenza, culpa, vergüenza y muchos otros creando una pseudoimagen de perfección, similar a la Ansiedad. A medida que Joy se involucra en una positividad tóxica durante el viaje, eventualmente cede bajo la presión, abandona la positividad tóxica y expresa abiertamente sus verdaderos sentimientos. Joy, como Anxiety, intentaba transformar a Riley en quien ella quería que fuera, en lugar de quien era. Riley es una joven en desarrollo compleja y defectuosa. Sin embargo, en esencia y dejados a su propia influencia, sus valores siguen siendo verdaderos cuando no están influenciados por la ansiedad o la falsa positividad. Sé tú mismo y aquellos que te aman por ti se mostrarán y seguirán siendo fieles. Mi escena favorita de la película fue el peor momento de Riley. Para no estropear la película, puedo compartir que, como alguien que ha experimentado ataques de pánico o ansiedad, no son divertidos. En realidad, dan miedo y evocan sentimientos de falta de control del propio cuerpo. Durante el momento más oscuro y solitario de Riley, su amiga la vio. Incluso después de que Riley la despidiera, entre otras cosas, la amiga de Riley apareció por ella. Riley estaba intentando impresionar a un grupo de chicas que no la conocían (la verdadera ella), y mucho menos les agradaba. Los amigos de Riley la conocían, la verdadera ella, cuando más los necesitaba aparecieron y la apoyaron. Sé fiel a ti mismo y las personas que te aman se quedarán contigo. ¡El diálogo interno que mantenemos y las creencias que tenemos son importantes y poderosas! "No soy suficiente" rugió en el teatro y lloré un poco. Riley pasó de tener una autoestima y unos valores tan altos, a no saber quién era ni de qué era capaz. ¡Estado allí! Un momento crucial en la película es cuando Joy se da cuenta de que debe abandonar la vieja creencia fundamental, la que está arraigada en su influencia, y permitir que Riley fomente su propia creencia fundamental. Una vez que Joy eliminó la creencia central original, las verdaderas creencias de Riley comienzan a manifestarse. Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo, sin embargo, en el centro de su creencia fundamental brillaba su verdadero yo. Para terminar, tus emociones no son un hecho, ¡pero son importantes e impactantes! Es necesario preocuparse por el futuro y acceder al pasado, sin embargo, ¡evite permitir que estos pensamientos lo consuman! "Estate donde están tus pies". Diré que la tristeza realmente lo reprimió en esta película y desafortunadamente convertimos en villanos las emociones negativas, pero son componentes necesarios de la experiencia humana. Mi hermana se quedó dormida, pero se despertó cuando la película empezó a cobrar impulso. Mi madrina no se durmió, lo cual es una buena señal, pero la película seguía siendo un sueño. ¡Míralo tú mismo y cuéntanos tu opinión!

    Ver reseña: Inside Out 2 detalla las ventajas de tener ansiedad

    Inside Out 2 presenta nuevas emociones, ¡pero la película fue una verdadera dormida! Nada se compara con Inside Out 1, debido a su enfoque honesto y único en temas tan...

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Explore nuestro blog de bienestar integral para comprender cómo cuidarse mentalmente, incluidos consejos de cuidado personal para la depresión. Adopte el cuidado personal ahora para lograr un crecimiento personal y una vida más plena. ¡Únete a nosotros ahora!

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Welcome to Pot Liquor for the soul, a compassionate book club forum founded by Dasia (Dasiasaysso) dedicated to nurturing mental wellness through the power of literature. Here, we offer a supportive space for to explore books that inspire self-reflection, promote healing, and cultivate resilience.

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